Design LED36 UV Picture
Design LED36 UV Picture 2
Design LED36 UV Picture 3
Design LED36 UV Picture 4

- High output ultraviolet L.E.D. wash- Compact Design
- 30degr medium diffusion filter included
- 36 x 1W UV LEDs
- high refresh rate = flickerfree
- 50.000 hour LED Life
- Built-in power supply and DMX 512 control (XLR 3pin)
- Features: Strobing, Dimming (0-100%), Built-in programs
- Fits into 12" x 12" truss easily for truss warmer use
- On / Off Power switch 230v/50hz
- Mounting bracket and safety I-hook installed
- Dimensions: 223 x 180 x 255 mm
- weight: 4,5kg
Specifications and documentation subject to change without notice